UPDATE 5/25/21
Dear Friends,
I am happy to announce that we have received guidance from the Diocese on the full reopening of the Parish for this upcoming weekend of May 29/30. Below is a summary of those changes and how we at St. Patrick’s will go about reintroducing them. Please also note that Bishop has sent out a letter that as of June 5/6, 2021 – The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – the Sunday Mass Obligation is restored. See the Bishop’s letter in the Bulletin.
I am very grateful to you all as we’ve made our way forward over 15 months of this pandemic. It’ll be nice to see many of your smiling faces once more as we take these steps together. As always you are in my prayers, and may Our Lord bless you all and your families as we are able to fully begin again!
God Bless,
Fr. Jim