Lectio Divina & Children's Bulletin
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Self Study Audio CD's
St. Patrick Parish
Serving Rutland, Oakham and Hubbardston
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Lectio Divina & Children's Bulletin
Guidelines for Mass
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Sacrament of Matrimony
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Anointing of the Sick
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Student & Parent Information
Liturgical Ministries
Bereavement Committee
Mission Society
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Shut-In Ministry
Prayer Requests
Faith Formation
Healing the Whole Person
Light of the World
Bible Study Group
Bible and the Catechism Online
Self Study Audio CD's
Lectio Divina & Children's Bulletin
Lectio Divina & Children's Bulletin
Guidelines for Mass
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02-09-2025 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-09-2025 Children’s Bulletin
02-02-2025 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-02-2025 Children’s Bulletin
01-26-2025 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-26-2025 Children’s Bulletin
01-19-2025 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-19-2025 Children’s Bulletin
01-12-2025 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-12-2025 Children’s Bulletin
01-05-2025 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-05-2025 Children’s Bulletin
12-29-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-29-2024 Children’s Bulletin
12-22-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-22-2024 Children’s Bulletin
12-15-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-15-2024 Children’s Bulletin
12-08-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-08-2024 Children’s Bulletin
12-01-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-01-2024 Children’s Bulletin
11-24-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-24-2024 Children’s Bulletin
11-17-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-17-2024 Children’s Bulletin
11-10-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-10-2024 Children’s Bulletin
11-03-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-03-2024 Children’s Bulletin
10-27-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-27-2024 Children’s Bulletin
10-20-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-20-2024 Children’s Bulletin
10-13-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-13-2024 Children’s Bulletin
10-06-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-06-2024 Children’s Bulletin
09-29-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-29-2024 Children’s Bulletin
09-22-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-22-2024 Children’s Bulletin
09-15-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-15-2024 Children’s Bulletin
09-08-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-08-2024 Children’s Bulletin
09-01-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-01-2024 Children’s Bulletin
08-25-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-25-2024 Children’s Bulletin
08-18-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-18-2024 Children’s Bulletin
08-11-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-11-2024 Children’s Bulletin
08-04-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-04-2024 Children’s Bulletin
07-28-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-28-2024 Children’s Bulletin
07-21-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-21-2024 Children’s Bulletin
07-14-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-14-2024 Children’s Bulletin
07-07-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-07-2024 Children’s Bulletin
06-30-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-30-2024 Children’s Bulletin
06-23-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-23-2024 Children’s Bulletin
06-16-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-16-2024 Children’s Bulletin
06-09-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-09-2024 Children’s Bulletin
06-02-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-02-2024 Children’s Bulletin
05-26-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-26-2024 Children’s Bulletin
05-19-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-19-2024 Children’s Bulletin
05-12-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-12-2024 Children’s Bulletin
05-05-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-05-2024 Children’s Bulletin
04-28-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-28-2024 Children’s Bulletin
04-21-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-21-2024 Children’s Bulletin
04-14-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-14-2024 Children’s Bulletin
04-07-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-07-2024 Children’s Bulletin
03-31-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-31-2024 Children’s Bulletin
03-24-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-24-2024 Children’s Bulletin
03-17-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-17-2024 Children’s Bulletin
03-10-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-10-2024 Children’s Bulletin
03-03-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-03-2024 Children’s Bulletin
02-25-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-25-2024 Children’s Bulletin
02-18-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-18-2024 Children’s Bulletin
02-11-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-11-2024 Children’s Bulletin
02-04-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-04-2024 Children’s Bulletin
01-28-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-28-2024 Children’s Bulletin
01-21-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-21-2024 Children’s Bulletin
01-14-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-14-2024 Children’s Bulletin
01-07-2024 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-07-2024 Children’s Bulletin
12-31-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-31-2023 Children’s Bulletin
12-24-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-24-2023 Children’s Bulletin
12-17-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-17-2023 Children’s Bulletin
12-10-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-10-2023 Children’s Bulletin
12-03-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-03-2023 Children’s Bulletin
11-26-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-26-2023 Children’s Bulletin
11-19-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-19-2023 Children’s Bulletin
11-12-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-12-2023 Children’s Bulletin
11-05-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-05-2023 Children’s Bulletin
10-29-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-29-2023 Children’s Bulletin
10-22-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-22-2023 Children’s Bulletin
10-15-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-15-2023 Children’s Bulletin
10-08-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-08-2023 Children’s Bulletin
10-01-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-01-2023 Children’s Bulletin
09-24-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-24-2023 Children’s Bulletin
09-17-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-17-2023 Children’s Bulletin
09-10-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-10-2023 Children’s Bulletin
09-03-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-03-2023 Children’s Bulletin
08-27-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-27-2023 Children’s Bulletin
08-20-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-20-2023 Children’s Bulletin
08-13-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-13-2023 Children’s Bulletin
08-06-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-06-2023 Children’s Bulletin
07-30-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-30-2023 Children’s Bulletin
07-23-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-23-2023 Children’s Bulletin
07-16-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-16-2023 Children’s Bulletin
07-09-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-09-2023 Children’s Bulletin
07-02-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-02-2023 Children’s Bulletin
06-25-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-25-2023 Children’s Bulletin
06-18-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-18-2023 Children’s Bulletin
06-11-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-11-2023 Children’s Bulletin
06-04-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-04-2023 Children’s Bulletin
05-28-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-28-2023 Children’s Bulletin
05-21-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-21-2023 Children’s Bulletin
05-14-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-14-2023 Children’s Bulletin
05-07-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-07-2023 Children’s Bulletin
04-30-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-30-2023 Children’s Bulletin
04-23-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-23-2023 Children’s Bulletin
04-16-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-16-2023 Children’s Bulletin
04-09-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-09-2023 Children’s Bulletin
04-02-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-02-2023 Children’s Bulletin
03-26-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-26-2023 Children’s Bulletin
03-19-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-19-2023 Children’s Bulletin
03-12-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-12-2023 Children’s Bulletin
03-05-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-05-2023 Children’s Bulletin
02-26-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-26-2023 Children’s Bulletin
02-19-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-19-2023 Children’s Bulletin
02-12-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-12-2023 Children’s Bulletin
02-05-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-05-2023 Children’s Bulletin
01-29-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-29-2023 Children’s Bulletin
01-22-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-22-2023 Children’s Bulletin
01-15-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-15-2023 Children’s Bulletin
01-08-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-08-2023 Children’s Bulletin
01-01-2023 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-01-2023 Children’s Bulletin
12-25-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-25-2022 Children’s Bulletin
12-18-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-18-2022 Children’s Bulletin
12-11-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-11-2022 Children’s Bulletin
12-04-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-04-2022 Children’s Bulletin
11-27-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-27-2022 Children’s Bulletin
11-20-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-20-2022 Children’s Bulletin
11-13-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-13-2022 Children’s Bulletin
11-06-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-06-2022 Children’s Bulletin
10-30-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-30-2022 Children’s Bulletin
10-23-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-23-2022 Children’s Bulletin
10-16-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-16-2022 Children’s Bulletin
10-09-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-09-2022 Children’s Bulletin
10-02-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-02-2022 Children’s Bulletin
09-25-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-25-2022 Children’s Bulletin
09-18-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-18-2022 Children’s Bulletin
09-11-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-11-2022 Children’s Bulletin
09-04-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-04-2022 Children’s Bulletin
08-28-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-28-2022 Children’s Bulletin
08-21-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-21-2022 Children’s Bulletin
08-14-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-14-2022 Children’s Bulletin
08-07-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-07-2022 Children’s Bulletin
07-24-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-24-2022 Children’s Bulletin
07-17-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-17-2022 Children’s Bulletin
07-10-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-10-2022 Children’s Bulletin
07-03-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-03-2022 Children’s Bulletin
06-26-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-26-2022 Children’s Bulletin
06-19-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-19-2022 Children’s Bulletin
06-12-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-12-2022 Children’s Bulletin
06-05-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-05-2022 Children’s Bulletin
05-29-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-29-2022 Children’s Bulletin
05-22-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-22-2022 Children’s Bulletin
05-15-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-15-2022 Children’s Bulletin
05-08-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-08-2022 Children’s Bulletin
05-01-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-01-2022 Children’s Bulletin
04-24-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-24-2022 Children’s Bulletin
04-17-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-17-2022 Children’s Bulletin
04-10-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-10-2022 Children’s Bulletin
03-20-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-20-2022 Children’s Bulletin
03-13-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-13-2022 Children’s Bulletin
03-06-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-06-2022 Children’s Bulletin
02-27-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-27-2022 Children’s Bulletin
02-20-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-20-2022 Children’s Bulletin
02-13-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-13-2022 Children’s Bulletin
02-06-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-06-2022 Children’s Bulletin
01-30-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-30-2022 Children’s Bulletin
01-23-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-23-2022 Children’s Bulletin
01-16-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-16-2022 Children’s Bulletin
01-09-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-09-2022 Children’s Bulletin
01-02-2022 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-02-2022 Children’s Bulletin
12-26-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-26-2021 Children’s Bulletin
12-19-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-19-2021 Children’s Bulletin
12-12-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-12-2021 Children’s Bulletin
12-05-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-05-2021 Children’s Bulletin
11-28-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-28-2021 Children’s Bulletin
11-21-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-21-2021 Children’s Bulletin
11-14-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-14-2021 Children’s Bulletin
11-07-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-07-2021 Children’s Bulletin
10-31-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-31-2021 Children’s Bulletin
10-24-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-24-2021 Children’s Bulletin
10-17-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-17-2021 Children’s Bulletin
10-10-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-10-2021 Children’s Bulletin
10-03-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-03-2021 Children’s Bulletin
09-26-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-26-2021 Children’s Bulletin
09-19-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-19-2021 Children’s Bulletin
09-12-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-12-2021 Children’s Bulletin
09-05-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-05-2021 Children’s Bulletin
08-29-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-29-2021 Children’s Bulletin
08-22-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-22-2021 Children’s Bulletin
08-15-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-15-2021 Children’s Bulletin
08-08-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-08-2021 Children’s Bulletin
08-01-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-01-2021 Children’s Bulletin
07-25-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-25-2021 Children’s Bulletin
07-18-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-18-2021 Children’s Bulletin
07-11-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-11-2021 Children’s Bulletin
07-04-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-04-2021 Children’s Bulletin
06-27-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-27-2021 Children’s Bulletin
06-20-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-20-2021 Children’s Bulletin
06-13-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-13-2021 Children’s Bulletin
06-06-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-06-2021 Children’s Bulletin
05-30-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-30-2021 Children’s Bulletin
05-09-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-09-2021 Children’s Bulletin
05-02-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-02-2021 Children’s Bulletin
04-25-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-25-2021 Children’s Bulletin
04-18-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-18-2021 Children’s Bulletin
04-11-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-11-2021 Children’s Bulletin
04-04-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-04-2021 Children’s Bulletin
03-28-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-28-2021 Children’s Bulletin
03-21-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-21-2021 Children’s Bulletin
03-14-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-14-2021 Children’s Bulletin
03-07-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-07-2021 Children’s Bulletin
02-28-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-28-2021 Children’s Bulletin
02-21-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-21-2021 Children’s Bulletin
02-14-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-14-2021 Children’s Bulletin
02-07-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
02-07-2021 Children’s Bulletin
01-31-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-31-2021 Children’s Bulletin
01-24-2021 Children’s Bulletin
01-24-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-24-2021 Bulletin Supplement on COVID Vaccines
01-17-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-17-2021 Children’s Bulletin
01-10-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-10-2021 Children’s Bulletin
01-03-2021 Lectio Divina & Reflections
01-03-2021 Children’s Bulletin
12-27-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-27-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
12-20-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-20-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
12-13-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
12-13-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
12-06-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
12-06-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-29-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-29-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
11-22-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-22-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
11-15-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-15-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
11-08-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-08-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
11-01-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
11-01-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
10-25-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-25-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
10-18-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-11-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-04-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
10-04-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
09-27-20 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-20-20 Lectio Divina & Reflections
09-13-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-23-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-23-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
08-16-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-09-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-09-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
08-02-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
08-02-2020 - Children’s Bulletin
07-26-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-26-2020 - Children's Bulletin
07-19-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-12-2020 - Children's Bulletin
07-12-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-05-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
07-05-2020 - Children's Bulletin
06-28-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-21-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-21-2020 - Children's Bulletin
06-14-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
06-07-2020 - Children's Bulletin
06-07-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-31-2020 - Children's Bulletin
05-31-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-24-2020 - Children's Bulletin
05-24-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-10-2020 - Children's Bulletin
05-10-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
05-03-2020 - Children's Bulletin
05-03-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
May 2020 Children's Liturgy
04-26-2020 - Children's Bulletin
04-26-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-19-2020 - Childrens Bulletin
04-19-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections Divine Mercy Sunday
04-05-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
04-05-2020 - Palm Sunday Childrens Bulletin
03-29-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-29-2020 - Childrens Bulletin
03-22-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections
03-15-2020 Lectio Divina & Reflections